4 Ways to Break Boundaries and Self-Imposed Limits

They’re everywhere. In the store. On the internet. In the workplace. At the gym. In the mirror. Everywhere. I’m talking about boundaries and self-imposed limits. Those sneaky things creep up on you when you aren’t paying attention. You don’t notice, but you heed them. You allow the false ideas to settle in your spirit. The next thing you know, you are settling, or worse yet, you are not being the best woman of God, or whomever you claim to be that you could. Don’t worry. We are taking it easy on ourselves, but the fact remains. Those boundaries, those invisible, but very powerful boundaries and self-imposed limits erase today. Keep reading because in this post, I am sharing 4 ways to break boundaries and self- imposed limits.

boundaries – noun| a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line.

Google Definitions

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my story.

I was journalling during lunch. I was taking a minute to ponder the upcoming tasks on my agenda. Such things on my list were related to planning my wedding, home chores, doing my hair, and preparing my applications for a professional degree. This degree is unlike any other I have previously been acquainted to, for I know absolutely no one who holds this degree. In fact, it seemed as if it was out of my reach.

So what do I do? I start to panic and back peddle. All of a sudden every possible outcome besides completing the application and following through with the course of action that could change the trajectory of my life, my son’s life, and my fiancee’s life, seems better. I almost gave up on a childhood dream of unbridled possibilities until literally the voice of God, you know the one that sounds like your own voice, spoke to me.

 "Don't let those invisible boundaries keep you from this blessing."

And, I cried. Right there on the stool I sat, I cried. I cried because I was relieved. Because I felt that divine support, I cried. The reminder that limitations had no power over me was needed, and for that I whimpered.

You’re probably asking, what were those boundaries and self-imposed limits? What did they sound like? What did they look like?

They looked like, procrastination and self- sabotaged. Those self-imposed limits looked like me counting myself out of the process, before I even started. Those boundaries sounded like, “I don’t know any lawyers”, “I may not be smart enough to compete.” “It might be better for me to stay where I am.” They sounded like, “I’m a black woman attempting to compete in a white male dominated field, or ” I went to a low-income public school and I’ll be competing with applicants that had better opportunities and better connections,” and ‘black women only make up 5% of the law industry”. They sounded like, “do I have what it takes? and “since, I have never seen this dream of mine, how can I be sure it is possible?”, and “Could I really?”

But the devil and those bald-head snaggletooth boundaries are liars, and truth considers them the opps still wearing leave out in 2021.

break it down, B:

I’m going to let you in on a well known secret. You, yes ma’am, you are capable of operating outside of the boundaries society, your environment, and circumstances have placed on you. You, yes ma’am, you can achieve the things you wish to earn. There may not be too many people in your circle financially free, but you can be. There may not be anyone you see on a regular basis, whipping the luxury vehicle you dream about, but you can. You may not see too many doctors, lawyers, successful business executives and owners near you, but guess what pooh, you can become it.

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Let me let you in on another well known secret. Eight times out of ten if you had a great idea, it was gift from the Lordt. The good news is, because the inspired idea came from God, they are good, and they are possible. Furthermore, whatever you ask for as it relates to your purpose and prosperity, God has already provided.(Mark 11:24)

I said all of the above to relay this message. Don’t let those invisible boundaries keep you from this blessing.

Nonetheless, below are 4 ways to break boundaries and self-imposed limitations.

4 Ways to Break Boundaries and Self-Imposed Limits

  1. Research the stories of others. One thing that helps me is learning the stories of other. These stories can be of women, men, or otherwise. The point remains, a good “coming of age” story of set-back and triumph leaves you feeling inspired to take action.
  2. Get back to the word. I had to go back to church in the living room. Getting back to reading the word, mediating, praise and worship, or whatever spiritually enriches you will almost always align your spirit and mind on the side of positivity. Even if church, sermons, devotionals, and bible passages don’t do it for you, find a source to enrich your spirit. After you put on that spiritual armor, you’ll quickly remember you can do all things.
  3. Remember you are truly more than enough. After reading, “More Than Enough” by Elaine Welteroth I felt like I could take the world by storm. To this day, I thumb through some of my favorite sections to get a tune up. Nonetheless, remembering the gifts and tenacity you already have, gathering with other women to uplift you, and leaning on faith are the keys to believing you do have what it takes. You are not just enough, you are more than enough to make the impossible, possible.
  4. Do it anyway. Do it regardless of the “limits”. The worse thing that could happen is you will actually achieve your greatest dreams.

sum it up.

When you clear your eyes, open you heart, believe with all you have, and work using the talents, gifts, and resources you were given, you shall see, Yes *clap* YOU *clap* Absolutely *clap* Can. And the outcome will be far better than you ever thought possible.

I hope you enjoyed these 4 ways to break boundaries!


  1. The limit does not exist unless you give it power.
  2. Just because you haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it’s not possible.
  3. Stay in the word for those good reminders.

quotes to carry.

But when we are brave enough–to go there, to grab what we want, to tap into who we are–damn, it feels so good.

From More than Enough, Elaine Welteroth

journal prompt.

Write down some of the limits you thought you had. Share them with an uplifting girl friend, then rip the page up. Now you see them. Now you don’t.

comment below.

Tell us what has previously hindered you, and how you overcame it.

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